Ah, the old scrap pile. To some people, this looks like a pile of junk, but to a blacksmith, this looks like a pile of treasure. Projects in the making. Opportunities. The atom bomb of creativity waiting to explode. Every blacksmith has a scrap pile, and we all dig through it, looking for that bit of steel that we know "must be in there somewhere." Sometimes I'm looking for a bit that I need to complete my vision. Other times I'm digging around for inspiration.
This picture is of my scrap pile back in Memphis. You see, I had a shop in Memphis for 12 years, and when I moved to California two years ago I had to leave it behind. I just couldn't rationalize moving a big, heavy pile of scrap metal half way across the country, but I miss having it. I'll build up a new mountain of treasure, but right now it's just a little mole hill.
Today, I actually had to go to the junk yard and BUY SCRAP METAL!?!? I just didn't have that bit of 3/8" plate steel that I needed to make a sample for a client. Did you know that scrap metal sells for $1.00 per pound? Crazy. I guess with the escalating price of steel, my little scrap pile really is a pile of treasure!
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